Power series


Power series are implemented within the class series from series.hpp.

#include <numerix/rational.hpp>
#include <algebramix/series.hpp>

series<rational> z (rational (1), 1); // variable z
series<rational> f = 1 / (1 - z);
mmout << f[10] << "\n";

Series are implemented in a lazy way, which means that the precision has not to be specified in advance. Computations are actually done when a coefficient is actually needed.

The precision used for printing the power series can be set to n in the following way:

series<C,V>::set_output_order (n);

Instead of printing an approximation of the series, it is possible to display the formula it has been built from, as follows:

series<C,V>::set_formula_output (true);

Withing equality test the precision to be taken into account can be set to n via:

series<C,V>::set_cancel_order (n);

The name of the variable to be printed can be set to z with the following command:

series<C,V>::set_variable_name ("z");

2.Naive algorithms

Naive algorithms for power series are implemented in series_naive.hpp. For instance the product implemented therein has a quadratic cost.

Over numerical types, elementary functions are available from series_elementary.hpp.

3.Relaxed algorithm

The relaxed product for power series is implemented in series_relaxed.hpp.

#include <numerix/rational.hpp>
#include <algebramix/series.hpp>
#include <algebramix/series_relaxed.hpp>

#define V series_relaxed<series_naive>
series<rational,V> z (rational (1), 1); // variable z
series<rational,V> f = 1 / (1 - z);
mmout << z[10] << "\n";

The relaxed product has a softly linear cost.

4.Recursive series

A series is said to be recursive if it satisfies an equation that allows to compute the -th coefficient of as the -th coefficient of with the only knowledge of the first coefficients of , whenever is larger than an integer called the index.

For example +1, with can be implemented as follows:

template<typename C, typename V>
struct example_series_rep : recursive_series_rep<C,V>
  example_series_rep () {}
  syntactic expression (const syntactic& z) const {
    return apply ("example", z); }
  series<C,V> initialize () {
    series<C,V> f= this->me ();
    this->initial (0)= C(1);
    return lshiftz (square (f), 1) + C(1); }

template<typename C, typename V>
example_series () {
  series_rep<C,V>* rep= new example_series_rep<C,V> ();
  return recursive (series<C,V> (rep)); }

On this example, the fact that the -th coefficient of depends only on the first coefficients of is due to the multiplication by . This multiplication must be done using the left shift lshiftz function, defined by lshiftz(f)[n] returns f[n-1]. Otherwise when seeking a new coefficient f[n] of , the recursive series mechanism would call recursively f[n] and fall into an infinite loop.

4.1.Polynomial regular root

Many commonly used series are recursive series. For example, a regular series root of a polynomial , that is and , is a recursive series.

The file series.hpp contains a template function

template<typename C, typename V, typename L> inline series<C,V>
polynomial_regular_root_init (const polynomial<L>& P, const C& init)

which computes the unique regular root of whose zeroth term is init. This lifting of the solution from its first coefficient is done by transforming the implicit equation into a recursive equation and by applying the recursive series mechanism.

A variant slp_polynomial_regular_root of this function for polynomials given as evaluation programs (or straight-line program) can be found in series_carry_naive.hpp.

5.Implicit series

Implicit series are implemented in series_implicit.hpp.

6.Vectorial operations

Vectorial and matricial auxiliary functions are available from series_vector.hpp and series_matrix.hpp respectively. They are useful for computing recursive vectors of series, which is the generalization of recursive series. Commonly used recursive vectors of series include in particular solutions of invertible linear systems, regular roots of multivariate polynomials. Linear system resolution over series can be found in the file series_carry_linear_algebra.hpp.

7.Mathemagix interface

use "algebramix";
type_mode? := true;
z == series (0 :> Rational, 1 :> Rational)


f == log (1 - z)




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