Installing mblad via autotools

If you are interested in installing the mblad library within the Mathemagix framework, or in downloading a binary package for a specific operating system, then please refer to the Mathemagix installation pages. This section only deals with the installation of the mblad library from source code.

1.Installing dependencies

The following libraries must be made available on your platform before all:

2.Downloading the source code

The version under development is available as follows:

svn checkout

Next we explain how to configure, compile and install the mblad package via autotools.


In order to configure the mblad library to your platform, you should first run the following command in a terminal:

cd mblad

Various options of the configure script are displayed when adding the option –help. Common options to the Mathemagix framework are described in the Mathemagix installation pages.


Once the configuration script has been executed with success you can then use the following command to launch the compilation.


On a multicore platform, you can freely use the -j option.


Installation is then performed by typing:

make install

Default installation location is /usr/local. This can be changed by using the –prefix option to the configure script.

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