Shell's options and conventions

This document briefly describes the use the Mathemagix shell.

The options of the shell can be printed via mmx-light –help

Three main modes are possible:

The first time the shell is launched it creates a .mathemagix in the home directory. A warning is printed.

The file


|:*) Welcome to Mathemagix-light 0.2.5 (*:|

| This software falls under the GNU General Public License |

| It comes without any warranty whatsoever |


| (c) 2001–2007 by |

| Joris van der Hoeven, Gregoire Lecerf, |

| Bernard Mourrain, Olivier Ruatta and others |

Mmx ≫


Mmx ≫

supports? "algebramix"

Mmx ≫

.mathemagix/etc/boot.mmx is automatically loaded at startup. This is the right place to customize the shell and to load the packages you frequently use. In order to load packages you can proceed as follows:

if supports? "numerix" then use "numerix";

if supports? "algebramix" then use "algebramix";

Prior to user's boot file a global boot file (usually /usr/local/etc/mathemagix/boot.mmx) is loaded. In case you wish to disable both boot files use the option –noboot within the mmx-light command.