Please notice that, at the present time, the following animations
are only visible when run within TeXmacs.
1.Animations that remain in the
Mmx] |
$o == $point (0, 0); |
Mmx] |
$p (t) == $point (2 * cos t, 2 * sin t); |
Mmx] |
$red x == $color ("red", x); |
Mmx] |
$animation ($hold ("0.04sec", $red $line ($o, $p (t/10))) | t in 0 to 63) |
2.Animations that operate on the
Mmx] |
demo (view: Dynamic, sec: Double): Void == {
start: Double == time ();
while time () - start < (1000 * sec) do {
t: Double == (time () - start) / 1000;
g: Graphics == $graphics $red $line ($o, $p (t));
assign (view, as_document
$grid (0, 0, 1, $size ("0.3par", "0.3par", g)));
flush mmout; } }; |
Mmx] |
view == dynamic (as_document $grid (0, 0, 1,
$size ("0.3par", "0.3par", $graphics ()))) |
Mmx] |
demo (view, as_double 10.0); |
© 2012 Joris van der Hoeven, Grégoire Lecerf
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the
GNU General Public License. If you
don't have this file, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.