Integer roots

1.Function integer_roots

The function integer_roots computes the integer roots, with multiplicity, of a lacunary (a.k.a. super-sparse) polynomial. This function is implemented in the file integer_roots.hpp.

The input polynomial is a sparse_polynomial<C,monomial<vector<E> > > where C is the type of the coefficients and E is the type of the exponents. For both, the supported types are int and integer. Note yet that the coefficients should be at least as large as the exponents since this is needed to derive the polynomial. For more on sparse_polynomial<…>, please refer to the documentation of Multimix.

The roots are returned as a vector< pair<C,E> > where in each pair<C,E> the first component is the root and the second is its multiplicity.

#include <lacunaryx/integer_roots.hpp>
#define E integer // or int
#define C integer // or int
#define Monomial monomial< vector<E> >
#define Sparse_polynomial sparse_polynomial<C, Monomial>


Sparse_polynomial x (1, Monomial (vec(1))); // defines the variable x
Sparse_polynomial p= x*x*(x+1)*(x+1)*(x-2)*(x+3)*(x+3)*(x+3)*(2*x+3)*(x*x+x+1);
string s="4356768657564355757856462587657634635";
integer e(s);
p *= (1+3*binpow(x,1345) - 2*(x-4)*binpow(x,e)+(x*x*x-6)*binpow(x,2*e));

vector< pair<C,E> > v= integer_roots(p); // [(0,2),(-1,2),(2,1),(-3,3)]

2.Use within Mathemagix

2.1.Lacunary polynomials

The lacunaryx package comes with a new type for polynomials called LPolynomials. The function integer_roots is glued within Mmx-light under the name roots and can be used with LPolynomials as follows:

use "lacunaryx"; type_mode? := true;
x : LPolynomial Integer == lpolynomial(1:> Integer, 1)


p : LPolynomial Integer == x^2*(x+1)^2*(x-2)*(x+3)^3*(2*x+3)*(x^2+x+1)


q : LPolynomial Integer == -x^876546523 + x^876546522 + 2*x^876546520 - 2*x^876546519 + 2*x^156476833 - 12*x^156476832 + 10*x^156476831 + 8*x^1346 - 8*x^1345 - x + 1


roots (p*q)


2.2.Multivariate polynomials

The function integer_roots can also take as input a multivariate<sparse_polynomial<…>>, as defined in Multimix. A variant of Multimix's MVPolynomial, named LMVPolynomial (for “Lacunary Multivariate Polynomial”), is defined for polynomials with very large exponents. While MVPolynomials have exponents of type Int, LMVPolynomials have exponents of type Integer.

The function integer_root is glued to mmx-light under the name roots, and can be used as follows:

X : Coordinate == coordinate ('x)


x : LMVPolynomial Integer == lmvpolynomial(1:>Integer, X)


p : LMVPolynomial Integer == x^2*(x+1)^2*(x-2)*(x+3)^3*(2*x+3)*(x^2+x+1)


q : LMVPolynomial Integer == -x^876546523 + x^876546522 + 2*x^876546520 - 2*x^876546519 + 2*x^156476833 - 12*x^156476832 + 10*x^156476831 + 8*x^1346 - 8*x^1345 - x + 1




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