Linear factors |
The function
The input polynomial is a
The factors are returned as a
The input polynomial can be either univariate or bivariate. Depending
on the dimension of the vector of variables of the input, the function
If given as input a polynomial in one variable, the function
If given as input a polynomial in two variables, the function
When used with univariate polynomials, the function
linear_factors can take as input a polynomial of type either
has to
be used.
The function (for “Lacunary
Polynomial”). It is used as follows:
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use "lacunaryx"; type_mode? := true; |
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x : LPolynomial Integer == lpolynomial (1, 1) |
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p : LPolynomial Integer == x^2*(x+1)^2*(x-2)*(x+3)^3*(2*x+3)*(x^2+x+1) |
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q : LPolynomial Integer == -x^876546523 + x^876546522 + 2*x^876546520 - 2*x^876546519 + 2*x^156476833 - 12*x^156476832 + 10*x^156476831 + 8*x^1346 - 8*x^1345 - x + 1 |
Mmx] |
e : Integer == 4356768657564355757856462587657634635; r : LPolynomial Integer == 1 + 3*x^1345 - 2*(x-4)*x^e+(x^3-6)*x^(2*e) |
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linear_factors (p*q*r) |
The function
The function
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X : Coordinate == coordinate ('x); x : LMVPolynomial Integer == lmvpolynomial(1:>Integer, X) |
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Y : Coordinate == coordinate ('y); y : LMVPolynomial Integer == lmvpolynomial(1:>Integer, Y) |
Using the mechanisms of the
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p : LMVPolynomial Integer == x^2*(x+1)^2*(x-2)*(x+3)^3*(2*x+3)*(x^2+x+1) |
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q : LMVPolynomial Integer == -x^876546523 + x^876546522 + 2*x^876546520 - 2*x^876546519 + 2*x^156476833 - 12*x^156476832 + 10*x^156476831 + 8*x^1346 - 8*x^1345 - x + 1 |
Mmx] |
e : Integer == 4356768657564355757856462587657634635; r : LMVPolynomial Integer == 1 + 3*x^1345 - 2*(x-4)*x^e+(x^3-6)*x^(2*e) |
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linear_factors(p*q*r) |
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p : LMVPolynomial Integer == x^2*y*(x-2)*(2*y+3)^2*(y-x+3)*(2*x+7*y)*(x*y+x+1)*(3*x-6*y+5) |
Mmx] |
q : LMVPolynomial Integer == x^3*y^54354165 - 6*y^54354165 - 2*x^4*y^54354164 + 12*x*y^54354164 + x^5*y^54354163 - 6*x^2*y^54354163 + 3*x^1345*y^54336 - 6*x^1346*y^54335 + 3*x^1347*y^54334 + 8*x^432534*y^5 - 18*x^432535*y^4 + 12*x^432536*y^3 - 2*x^432537*y^2 + y^2 - 2*x*y + x^2 |
Mmx] |
e : Integer == 35154014504040115230143514; r : LMVPolynomial Integer == 1 + 3*x^1345*y^54334 - 2*(x-4*y)*x^e*y^2 + (x^3-6)*y^(2*e) |
Mmx] |
linear_factors (p*q*r) |