Download and installation of FGb

This document briefly describes how to install FGb.

FGb is a piece of software written by Jean-Charles Faugère, and available from API/.

It is not open source, so please refer to the copyright notice before using FGb.

In order to use FGb, make sure that OpenMP is supported by your compiler.


You need to download the archive call_FGb5.maclinux.x64.tar.gz that corresponds to your plateform, and to unarchive it:

tar -xvzf call_FGb5.maclinux.x64.tar.gz

According to your platform, you might want to copy all the libraries from call_FGb/nv/maple/C/macosx/ or call_FGb/nv/maple/C/x64/ into a dedicated directory of your choice. For instance, if copied into /usr/local/lib, then no special configuration option is needed for Mathemagix.


Using configure, if the FGb librairies have not been copied into one of the aforementioned standard location, then you need to specify their path as follows (e.g. for Mac OS X):

./configure --with-fgb="[…]/call_FGb/nv/maple/C/macosx/"

Alternatively, for cmake, you need to specify the path as follows:

cmake ../mmx/mfgb -DFGB_PATH="[…]/call_FGb/nv/maple/C/macosx/"
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License. If you don't have this file, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.