![](mmc-overview.en-1.png) |
Figure 1. Schematic
representation of the Mathemagix
compilation phases.
The Mathemagix compilation process is decomposed
in several stages (see figure ?):
The Mathemagix input file is first parsed
into a mathemagix program. In the source code of the
compiler, mathemagix programs have the type MMX.
The main compilation process consists of finding an unambiguous
meaning for every symbol in the input program. Whenever a variable
var is used in different contexts
(e.g. as a function argument, a local variable, a
class field) or overloaded in a given context, then new symbols
var#1, var#2, etc. are created
which correspond to the different possible meanings of var.
Internally, the compilation of a mathemagix program yields a
typed program of type PRG.
Such a program has a unique “type” (of type TYP) and a unique penalty (of type
Penalty). Since
Mathemagix allows for ambiguous expressions,
the type of the compilation of any subexpression may be a so
called “ambiguous type'. Of course, the overall program is
required to have a single interpretation.
After the main compilation, several post-treatments can take
place. These post-treatments are quite independent from the main
compilation process and done inside separate modules. More modules
can be added later. Some useful modules are the following:
Inlining of all functions which were declared inline.
Nested functions, such as shift(x)(y) == x+y;
are not supported by C++.
A dedicated “unnesting” module transforms nested
function declarations into plain functions, which manipulate
suitable function objects.
All post-treatments are performed on typed programs of type PRG. Libraries are
provided for simple syntactic manipulations of mathemagix, typed
and C++ programs. The typed programs are richer than pure
mathemagix and C++ programs, because all such programs are
required to have types, making their manipulation more rigid and
After compilation, optimization and other post-treatments, we
obtain a typed program which can be transformed into a C++
program in a rather straightforward manner. Such C++ programs are generic expressions
of type CPP.
In principle, other back-ends are possible for the compiler. On
the one hand, we plan to write back-ends for other languages,
starting with C. On the other hand, the
final Mathemagix program is suitable for
efficient interpretation.
Mathemagix provides a C++
pretty printer which transforms the C++
program tree into a string. The final object file or binary is
obtained by using a standard C++ compiler.
© 2008 Joris van der Hoeven
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the
GNU General Public License. If you
don't have this file, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.