Mathemagix source programs

Mathemagix source programs are of type MMX and correspond to parse trees of the original Mathemagix source files. Mathemagix programs can be highly ambiguous. During the first phase of the compilation, they are therefore transformed into typed programs of type PRG, each of which has a unique type. The file mmx_syntax.mmx contains several utility routines for the manipulation of MMX programs. These utility routines are usually prefixed by $ or mmx$. The type MMXS is an abbreviation for Vector MMX.

Internal representation of Mathemagix source programs

Internally, an MMX program is encoded by an expression tree of type GEN (which equals Generic), each subtree being either of type Literal or Compound. The private conversion routines between the types MMX and GEN are postfix .v and mmx. The public routines for the syntactic manipulation of MMX programs are

mmx$literal: Literal -> MMX

mmx$literal: String -> MMX

literal?: MMX -> Boolean

convert: MMX -> Literal

Creation of a leaf, testing whether an MMX program is a leaf and converting a leaf to a literal.

postfix (): (MMX, Tuple MMX) -> MMX

compound?: MMX -> Boolean

prefix #: MMX -> Int

postfix []: (MMX, Int) -> MMX

Creation of a compound tree, testing whether an MMX program is a compound tree, obtaining the arity of a compound tree and accessing a child of a compound tree.

Syntactic utility functions

postfix .components: MMX -> MMXS

postfix .args: MMX -> MMXS

postfix .initial: MMX -> MMXS

postfix .initial: MMXS -> MMXS

postfix .last: MMX -> MMX

postfix .last: MMXS -> MMX

Commodity accessors for the determination of all components of a compound tree (postfix .components), of all arguments of a primitive or function call (postfix .args), of all but its last arguments (postfix .initial), and its last argument (postfix .args).

subst (p: MMX, what: MMXS, by: MMXS): MMX

Given vectors what = [w1, …, wn] and by = [b1, …, bn] of the same length n, return the syntactic substitution of each wi by bi in p.


The following syntactic constructors can be used for building declarations:

$forall (ql: MMXS, decl: MMX): MMX

$exists (ql: MMXS, decl: MMX): MMX

$assume (hyps: MMXS, decl: MMX): MMX

$intern (decl: MMX): MMX

$extern (decl: MMX): MMX

$method (decl: MMX): MMX

$constructor (decl: MMX): MMX

$constant (decl: MMX): MMX

$mutable (decl: MMX): MMX

$private (decl: MMX): MMX

$public (decl: MMX): MMX

These modifiers alter the semantics of a declaration decl. In the cases of $forall and $exists, the parameter ql contains a list of signifiers (see below) over which we quantify. In the case of $assume, the parameter hyps contains a list of hypothesis.

$macro (lhs: MMX, rhs: MMX): MMX

Declaration of a macro. The left-hand side is either a literal or an expression var (a1,…,an), where var, a1, …, an are all literals. The right-hand side contains the replacement.

$header (var: MMX, tp: MMX): MMX

Forward declaration of a variable var of type tp. To do: check whether var should be a literal.

$of (var: MMX, tp: MMX): MMX

Syntactic construction of a signifier (or typed variable) “var: tp”, for use in combination with $define, $assign, $lambda, $in, $Forall, $Exists. etc. To do: check whether var should be a literal (exception: typed bodies of lambda expressions).

$define (lhs: MMX, rhs: MMX): MMX

$assign (lhs: MMX, rhs: MMX): MMX

Declaration of a constant resp. a mutable variable. The left-hand side lhs is a typed variable of the form “var: tp” and the right-hand side rhs contains the (initial) value. In the case of an initialization using $define inside a constructor, the left-hand side is a literal.

$category (name: MMX, def: MMX): MMX

$class (name: MMX, def: MMX): MMX

$module (name: MMX, def: MMX): MMX

Declaration of a category, class or module. The name can be of the form Comp (a1, …, an) in the case of compound categories, types or modules, where each of the arguments ai is a signifier.

The following predicates can be used for the detection and analysis of declarations:

declaration?: MMX -> Boolean

Checks whether a program is a variable declaration or a forward declaration.

forall?: MMX -> Boolean

exists?: MMX -> Boolean

assume?: MMX -> Boolean

intern?: MMX -> Boolean

extern?: MMX -> Boolean

method?: MMX -> Boolean

constructor?: MMX -> Boolean

constant?: MMX -> Boolean

mutable?: MMX -> Boolean

private?: MMX -> Boolean

public?: MMX -> Boolean

macro?: MMX -> Boolean

header?: MMX -> Boolean

of?: MMX -> Boolean

define?: MMX -> Boolean

assign?: MMX -> Boolean

category?: MMX -> Boolean

class?: MMX -> Boolean

module?: MMX -> Boolean

Predicates corresponding to $forall, $exists, $assume, $intern, $extern, $method, $constructor, $constant, $mutable, $private, $public, $macro, $header, $of, $define, $assign, $category, $class and $module.

The following accessors can be used in order to analyze declarations:

postfix .id: MMX -> Literal

Find the variable of a variable declaration or signifier.

postfix .var: MMX -> MMX

postfix .of: MMX -> MMX

Find the variable and type of a signifier, a forward declaration, or of the left hand side of a variable declaration.

postfix .lhs: MMX -> MMX

postfix .rhs: MMX -> MMX

Find the left-hand side and the right-hand side of a (possibly forward) declaration. The right hand side of a forward declaration is the symbolic constant mmx$forward.

Control structures

mmx$begin: Tuple MMX -> MMX

$BEGIN: Tuple MMX -> MMX

Sequential block of instructions. In the case of mmx$begin, the block may also contain local declarations. When using $BEGIN, it is assumed that the local declarations have already been processed. To do: is the $BEGIN primitive really necessary?

$if (cond: MMX, thenp: MMX): MMX

$if (cond: MMX, thenp: MMX, elsep: MMX): MMX

Conditional instructions or expressions.

$and (cond1: MMX, cond2: MMX): MMX

$or (cond1: MMX, cond2: MMX): MMX

$not (cond: MMX): MMX

Fundamental boolean operations

$loop (mods: MMXS, body: MMX): MMX

Looping construct, where mods is a list of looping modulators, as described below.

$for (init: MMX): MMX

$while (cond: MMX): MMX

$until (cond: MMX): MMX

$step (inc: MMX): MMX

Elementary looping modulators. The $for modulator contains a variable declaration, or an instruction to be executed once before the loop, or an expression of the form “sf in gen”, where gen is a generator. The $while and $until modulators allow for the execution as long as resp. until a certain condition is satisfied. The $step modulator executes an instruction each time we complete one cycle of the loop.

$in (sf: MMX, gen: MMX): MMX

Allows the construction of “sf in gen” as needed by one of the variants of the $for looping modulator. Here sf is a signifier of the form “var: tp” and gen a generator.

mmx$break: () -> MMX

mmx$continue: () -> MMX

Construct for breaking or continuing a loop.

$lambda (args: MMXS, tbody: MMX): MMX

Construction of a lambda expression with arguments args and a typed body tbody. Each of the arguments and the typed body should be signifiers.

mmx$return: () -> MMX

$return: MMX -> MMX

Returning the result of a lambda expression.

$try (body: MMX, handlers: Tuple MMX): MMX

$raise (err: MMX): MMX

Constructors for exception handling. The $try construct attempts to execute body. If an error is raised using the $raise construct, then we attempt to handle it using one of the handlers. On failure, the error is reraised outside the $try block.

The following predicates can be used for the detection and analysis of constrol structures:

begin?: MMX -> Boolean

BEGIN?: MMX -> Boolean

if?: MMX -> Boolean

and?: MMX -> Boolean

or?: MMX -> Boolean

not?: MMX -> Boolean

loop?: MMX -> Boolean

for?: MMX -> Boolean

while?: MMX -> Boolean

step?: MMX -> Boolean

in?: MMX -> Boolean

break?: MMX -> Boolean

continue?: MMX -> Boolean

lambda?: MMX -> Boolean

return?: MMX -> Boolean

try?: MMX -> Boolean

raise?: MMX -> Boolean

Predicates corresponding to mmx$begin, $BEGIN, $if, $not, $or, $not, $loop, $for, $while, $step, $in, $break, $continue, $lambda, $return, $try and $raise.

The following accessors can be used in order to analyze lambda expressions:

postfix .lambda_args: MMX -> MMXS

postfix .lambda_body: MMX -> MMX

postfix .lambda_of: MMX -> MMX

Find the arguments, the (non typed) body and the return type of a lambda expression.

Type expressions

The following constants correspond to the syntactic versions of the most basic atomic types:

mmx$Void: MMX

mmx$Volatile: MMX

mmx$Generic: MMX

mmx$Class: MMX

mmx$Category: MMX

mmx$Boolean: MMX

mmx$This: MMX

mmx$Structure: MMX

mmx$Any: MMX

The type Structure is used for the generation of the trivial category. The type Any is used internally as a quantifier for Forall and Exist types.

The following functions can be used for the syntactic construction of compound types

$Alias: MMX -> MMX

$Forall: (ql: MMXS, tp: MMX) -> MMX

$Exists: (ql: MMXS, tp: MMX) -> MMX

In the case of $Forall and $Exists, the first argument ql constains a list of quantifiers and the second argument tp a quantified type. Each of the arguments ql should be a signifier.

Special identifiers

mmx$true: MMX

mmx$false: MMX

mmx$this: MMX

mmx$import: MMX

mmx$cpp: MMX

Special constants and keywords.

mmx$compiled: MMX

mmx$interpreted: MMX

mmx$stable: MMX

mmx$unstable: MMX

mmx$automatic: MMX

mmx$inclusion: MMX

mmx$homomorphism: MMX

mmx$caster: MMX

mmx$fall_back: MMX

mmx$panic: MMX

Standard hypothesis for use with $assume.

mmx$convert: MMX

mmx$upgrade: MMX

mmx$downgrade: MMX

mmx$eq: MMX

mmx$neq: MMX

mmx$apply: MMX

Special functions.

Auxiliary constructs

The following syntactic constructs are invisible to the Mathemagix programmer, but used internally by the compiler.

$READ (inst: MMX, field: MMX): MMX

$WRITE (inst: MMX, field: MMX): MMX

Read and write acces to a field of the instance inst of a class.

$METHOD (lamb: MMX): MMX

Assuming that we are inside a class, this construct indicates that the function lamb is a method of the class. During the compilation, a special “method environment” is attached to the class environment, which allows other methods to be accessed through short names.


Assuming that we are inside a class, this construct indicates that body is the body of a constructor. Such a body is a succession of statements of the form var == val, where var is an intern class field and val its initial value.

$TYPEDEF (tp: MMX, equiv: MMX): MMX

Declares a new type tp to be equivalent to equiv.

$PENALTY (pen: Penalty, x: MMX): MMX

$UNPENALTY (pen: Penalty, x: MMX): MMX

The first routine $PENALTY explicitly attaches a penalty pen to an object x; if x has type T, then the result has type Penalty (pen, T). The second routine removes the penalty from an object x of type Penalty (pen, T). To do: to be verified.

$EXPLICIT (pen: Penalty, x: MMX): MMX

$UNEXPLICIT (pen: Penalty, x: MMX): MMX

The first routine $EXPLICIT converts an object x of type T to an object of type Explicit T. The second routine $UNEXPLICIT performs the inverse conversion. To do: to be verified.

$FORALL (ql: MMXS, tmpl: MMX): MMX

$UNFORALL (tmpl: MMX, args: Tuple MMX): MMX

Template construction and template instantiation.

$EXISTS (ql: MMXS, tmpl: MMX): MMX

$UNEXISTS (tmpl: MMX, args: Tuple MMX): MMX

Abstraction and concretization.

$as_void (expr: MMX): MMX

Low level cast of expr to Void. In particular, $as_void (expr) is used as an equivalent for expr :> $Void in the implementation of :>.

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