This document briefly describes how to install
It is not open source, so please refer to the copyright notice
before using
You need to download the archive call_FGb*.linux.*.tar.gz that corresponds to your plateform, and to unarchive it:
Then you can copy the library libcallfgb.a (located in
call_FGb/nv/maple/C/*/) into a directory of your
choice. If copied into /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/lib64,
then no special configuration option is needed for
You need to download the archive call_FGb4.mac.universal.tar.gz, and to unarchive it:
Then you might want to copy all the libraries from call_FGb/nv/maple/C/darwin/
into a dedicated directory of your choice. For instance, if copied
into /usr/local/lib, then no special configuration
option is needed for