Using Mathemagix packages in an application |
In the example, we show how to create small project test, which construct an application solver for solving univariate polynomial equations.
First, we create folder test:
mkdir test
In this folder, we write a cpp code (eg. solver.cpp)
which uses
#include <realroot/GMP.hpp>
#include <realroot/polynomial_tensor.hpp>
#include <realroot/solver_continued_fraction.hpp>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
using namespace mmx;
typedef ZZ coeff_t;
typedef polynomial<coeff_t,with<MonomialTensor> > Polynomial;
typedef solver<coeff_t,ContFrac<Approximate> > Solver;
if(argc>0) {
Polynomial p(argv[1]);
std::cout<<"Polynomial: "<<p<<std::endl;
Solver::Solutions sol; Solver::solve(sol,p);
std::cout<<"Solutions : "<<sol<<std::endl;
Then we write the corresponding CMakeLists.txt configuration file for cmake:
## Preliminaries for cmake.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
## Path for files used by the command find_package
## Search the package realroot and add the include path and
## link the corresponding libraries.
## As REQUIRED, if the package is not found, it stops with an error.
find_package(Realroot REQUIRED)
include_directories( ${REALROOT_INCLUDE_DIR} )
link_libraries( ${REALROOT_LIBRARIES} )
## Compile a simple executable solver.
add_executable(solver ./solver.cpp)
target_link_libraries(solver ${REALROOT_LIBRARIES})
The folder test should now contains the following files:
test |-- CMakeLists.txt ‘-- solver.cpp
We go in the build folder and configure the package test with cmake:
cd ../build; rm -rf CMakeCache.txt; cmake ../test
Notice that we found the package realroot, which was already built in the folder build.
Then, we compile the code:
Now, we can use the application solver as follows:
./solver "x^8-3*x-1"
Polynomial: -1-3*x+x^8 Solutions : [-15367/46108, -2177/6532], [2901/2395, 2557/2111]