Modular numbers

This document describes the use and implementation of the modulars within the numerix package.

1.General modulars and moduli

Moduli are implemented in modulus.hpp. An object of type modulus is declared as follows:

modulus<C,V> p;

V is an implementation variant. The default variant, named modulus_naive, is implemented in modulus_naive.hpp and supports a type C with an Euclidean division. More variants are described below. Modulars are implemented in modular.hpp. An object of type modular can be used as follows:

modular<modulus<C, V>, W> x, y, z;
modular<modulus<C, V>, W>::set_modulus (p);
x = y * z;

The variant W is used to define the storage of the modulus. Default storage is modular_local that allows the current modulus to be changed at any time. The default modulus is . For the integer type the default variant is set to modulus_integer_naive, so that modular integers can be used as follows:


typedef modulus<integer> M;
M p (9973);
modular<M>::set_modulus (p);
modular<M> a (1), b (3);
c = a * b;
cout << c << "\n";

If the modulus is known to be fixed at compilation time then the following declaration is preferable for the sake of efficiency:

fixed_value <int, 3> w;
modulus<integer> p (w);

If the modulus is not intended to be changed and known at compilation time then the variant modular_fixed can be used.

2.Moduli for hardware integers

From now on and represent the quotient and the remainder in the long division of by respectively. Throughout this section C denotes a genuine integer C type. We write for the bit-size of C, and for a modulus that fits in C.

2.1.Naive implementation

The default variant, modulus_int_naive<m>, is defined in modular_int.hpp. Each modular product performs one product and one integer division. The parameter m is the maximum bit-size of the modulus allowed by the variant. This parameter can be set to . Best performances are obtained with m. Note that we necessarily have m if C is a signed integer type. By convention the modulus actually means .

2.2.Moduli with pre-computed inverse

In the variant modulus_int_preinverse<m> a suitable inverse of the modulus is pre-computed and stored as an element of type C, this yields faster computations when doing several operations with the same modulus. The behavior of the parameter m is as in the preceding naive variant. The best performances are attained for when m.

Within the implementation of this variant the following auxiliary quantities are needed:

By convention we let if is zero. Note that , hence fits in C.

Modular product

Let be an integer such that . The remainder can be obtained as follows:

  1. Decompose into and such that , with , and compute . From it follows that . So has size at most , and we have .

  2. Compute . From the definition of we have:


    It follows that .

  3. Let . From we deduce that . It thus suffices to substract at most times to obtain .

In general we can always take and , so that . For when , it is better to take and so that . Finally, for when one can take and so that . These settings are summarized in the following table:

In these three cases remark that the integer has size at most .

It is clear that the case leads to the fastest algorithm since step 3 reduces to one substraction/comparison that can be implemented as min within type C alone. A special attention must be drawn to when , that corresponds to : we must suppose that is indeed computed within an unsigned int type, hence is sufficiently large to ensure and , hence the correctness of the algorithm.

Numerical inverse

Let us now turn to the computation of the numerical inverse of . The strategy presented here consists in performing one long division in C followed by one Newton iteration. Let be the numerical inverse of , normalized so that holds. Let denote the initial approximation, and be its Newton iterate . If for some positive integer then it is classical that with .

Under the assumption that , we can compute a suitable as the floor part of by the only use of operations within base type C. In other words we calculate as follows:

  1. If then is obtained by means of one division in C.

  2. Otherwise . We decompose into , with . Note that . Within C perform the long division . By multiplying both side of the latter equality by we obtain that . From and , we easily deduce since and .

The computation of , that is the floor part of , then continues as follows:

  1. From the definition of , one can write: . We thus compute and the ceil part of in order to deduce the floor part of . Note that fits C.

  2. From the above inequalities it follows that . We thus obtain < 2p. If then return else return .

Finally, is deduced in this way:

  1. Set as , and compute as just described.

  2. Note that . If +1= then otherwise.

Modular product by a constant

Let be a modulo integer that is to be involved in several modular products. Then one can compute just once and obtain a speed-up within the products by means of the follows algorithm:

  1. Compute . It follows that .

  2. Compute . If then . Return .

The computation of can be done as follows from :

  1. Compute . Note that .

  2. Since , with if and otherwise, deduce from .

3.Use from the Mmx-light interpreter

Modular integers are glued to the Mmx-light interpreter. The usual arithmetic operations are available.

use "numerix";
type_mode? := true;
p: Modulus Integer == 7


a == 11 mod p


a ^ 101


q == modulus (7 :> Int)


(11 mod q) ^ 100


4.Further remarks

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