Description: Generation tools for configuration and glue files via Autotools.
Version: 0.1
Description: Basic data types: symbols, lists, arrays, hash tables, etc. A system for generic objects. Parsers and pretty printers, together with a system for keeping track of locations in the source code and generating error messages. Important operators and categories for systematic use throughout the project. The mmx glue facility, both for interpreters and functionality.
Version: 0.5.1
External dependencies: libtool, bison, readline
Description: Ancient version of the Mathemagix compiler
Version: 0.2
Dependencies: basix
Description: The upcoming Mathemagix egg compiler
Version: 1.0.2
Dependencies: basix
Description: The upcoming Mathemagix compiler
Version: devel
Dependencies: basix, mmcompileregg
Description: Coq interface for use with TeXmacs.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: mmcompiler
Description: Coq interface for use with TeXmacs.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: mmcompiler
Description: Tools to generate configuration and glue files for Mathemagix packages.
Version: 0.1
Description: Mathemagix interface for sqlite3.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: basix, mmcompiler
External dependencies: sqlite3
Description: Interfaces integer, rational with Gmp and floating with Mpfr. Modular arithmetic. Complexified numbers. Intervals and balls for certified arithmetic. Wrapper for computable numbers.
Version: 0.8
Dependencies: basix
External dependencies: gmp, mpfr
Description: Dense vectors, matrices and polynomials in the monomial basis. Formal power series and skew polynomials.
Version: 0.6.1
Dependencies: numerix
Description: Some first and improvable routines for numerical matrices and polynomials. Some basic utilities for holonomic functions. First slow version of analytic functions and analytic continuation.
Version: 0.3
Dependencies: algebramix
Description: Finite fields.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: algebramix
External dependencies: mpfq
Description: 2D Graphics for TeXmacs.
Version: 0.2
Dependencies: analyziz
Description: Skew differential operators and holonomic functions.
Version: 0.4
Dependencies: analyziz
Description: Algorithms for Lattices.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: analyziz
External dependencies: fplll
Description: Mathemagix package
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: analyziz
External dependencies: blas, lapack
Description: Mathemagix package
Version: 0.1.3
Dependencies: linalg
External dependencies: gmpxx, mpfr
Description: Linear differential algebra routines.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: analyziz, mmcompiler
Description: Optimized univariate polynomials over F_2.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: algebramix
External dependencies: gf2x
Description: Interface with Maple
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: algebramix
External dependencies: maple
Description: Interface with Pari/GP
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: algebramix
External dependencies: pari
Description: Mathemagix package
Version: 0.1.1
Dependencies: numerix
Description: Mathemagix package
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: numerix, realroot
Description: Runtime utilities.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: basix
External dependencies: lightning, opencl
Description: Runtime utilities for straight-line programs.
Version: 0.4
Dependencies: mmcompiler, runtime, algebramix
Description: Polynomials, series, and jets with several variables.
Version: 0.7
Dependencies: analyziz, justinline
Description: (Still experimental) package for numerical homotopy continuation.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: multimix
Description: Polynomial factorization and related algorithms.
Version: 0.2
Dependencies: finitefieldz, multimix, lattiz
External dependencies: mpari
Description: Implementation of the Kronecker polynomial solver for a reduced regular sequence
Version: 0.2
Dependencies: multimix
Description: Polynomial factorization and related algorithms.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: factorix
External dependencies: mfgb
Description: Lacunary factorization and related algorithms.
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: factorix
Description: Interface to the BLAD libraries for differential algebra (
Version: 0.2
Dependencies: multimix
External dependencies: blad
Description: Wrapper for Fgb software (
Version: 0.3
Dependencies: multimix
External dependencies: fgb
Description: Polynomial reduction for generic bivariate ideals
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: algebramix
External dependencies: mfgb
Description: Mathemagix package
Version: 0.2
Dependencies: algebramix, multimix, finitefieldz, numerix, factorix
Description: Mathemagix package
Version: 0.1
Dependencies: realroot
Description: Basic arithmetic on symbolic expressions. Basic calculus: differentiation, substitution and an overly simple solver.
Version: 0.4
Dependencies: algebramix
Description: Mathemagix package
Version: 0.4
Dependencies: multimix, symbolix
Description: Mathemagix package
Version: 0.4
Dependencies: asymptotix, continewz
External dependencies: qt
Description: Mathemagix package
Version: 0.4
Dependencies: asymptotix, continewz
Description: The mathemagix interpreter.
Version: 0.4
Dependencies: basix
Description: Computer Algebra and Analysis System.
Version: 0.2
Dependencies: mmcompiler, algebramix